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写作者:crane     日记本: 青春的印记

日期:2009年12月31日  星期  




   A soldier would never forget the most terrible fight he has been
   involved, it will result in a change of the attitude toward
   everything for the rest of his life .
   God are watching you , give you some hint while you are deviating
   into the wrong direction, He will remind you , make you conscious
   of the fault from time to time .
   When you run far away beyond , likely to cause a serious onsequence ,
   the great ,merciful omnipotent God , will pull you back .
   half meter, or even less , is enough to change your whole life .
   loneness is not reason , pressure should have right way to release .
   because of the loneness , some one become sink . someone with success
   all I need is to maintain a basic rule , and act in accordance
   with it .
   never never go far away .
   this as a ending of 2009 and the beginning of new year .

完成时间:2010.01.01 00:38:57

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