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only obtaining , losing much

写作者:crane     日记本: 青春的印记

日期:2010年03月30日  星期  




   A fear have been following me , like a gigantic monster , frightening me in this peaceful middle night .
   Something might be happened to end this kind of life full of undefined desire , or even some vicked idea .
   I was wondering if I was losing the basic faith as a man .
   I haven’t got the privilege to offer any emotion , I must be aware of that , otherwise another kind of harm will be there .
   A game of only obtaining should result in a much greater losing in the end .
   Alcohol , alcohol , alcohol ……
   I don’t like to be drunk, I don’t like to speak loudly and afterward totally forget the words I have spoken with such excitement .
   I don’t like to do something which makes me more sorrowful the next day when I awake from the drunk.
   And I don’t like the feeling that I must struggle to recall what happened.
   Back , back to a kind of life style as to simply seat beside the window , having a slight thinking to find the beauty of life , looking into the essential of the event and receiving it with a comprehensive smile .
   back , back to hold the happiness reachable and treasure the happiness in hand with affection .
   normal , just to feel , to be moved ........

完成时间:2010.03.30 02:01:40

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