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discontinual or not

写作者:crane     日记本: 青春的印记

日期:2010年10月11日  星期  




   i remember what i have said to myself that day :
   5.22, total is 9 , 9 is forever !
   but how long is forever ?
   i might have quit everything but my Maginot line has destroyed
   at the last moment .
   i know the emotion has 't disappeared at all
   i just try to help you to figure out how to love the one you loved
   by means of refuse and refuse .
   and i also want wo help you to learn how to care about the real
   feeling of others .
   no winner for this game although some sentimental satisfaction is
   there . but seems it will last longer than i wish .
   safe back , baby !

完成时间:2010.10.11 11:41:01

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