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写作者:Evou     日记本: 东晴西雨

日期:2006年05月30日  星期  




  It is my first day. Is there anything about the purpose of writting?
  Ye, I think it is, although I'm currently too old to get enough mood to express anything, there still something called hope, or illusion.
  I notice that the head words, which are about emotion, really make senses. Such feeling tend to be less attractive because they were something happened yet. All the hope, desperation, and affection, have alreay gone. So, whether you are a loser or a victor, you are far from the sense of its orginal point, which means, here is nothing to do with love.
  What I can hardly give up, are those images that haven't been fulfilled. Truth always hides in a reverse direction against which you are pursuing.

完成时间:2006.05.30 22:41:09

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