《艺伎回忆录》第19章,看的我眼泪花花 |
"Here's the part that's going to seem very strange to you," Mameha went on, as if what she'd already told
me didn't. "Men actually like doing this. In fact, they like it very much. There are even men who do little
in their lives besides search for different caves to let their eels live in. A woman's cave is particularly
special to a man if no other eel has ever been in it before. Do you understand? We call this 'mizuage! "
"We call what 'mizuage''?"
"The first time a woman's cave is explored by a man's eel. That is what we call mizuage."
Now, mizu means "water" and age means "raise up" or "place on"; so that the term mizuage sounds as if
it might have something to do with raising up water or placing something on the water. If you get three
geisha in a room, all of them will have different ideas about where the term comes from. Now that
Mameha had finished her explanation, I felt only more confused, though I tried to pretend it all made a
certain amount of sense.
"I suppose you can guess why the Doctor likes to play around in Gion," Mameha continued. "He makes
a great deal of money from his hospital. Except for what he needs to support his family, he spends it in
the pursuit of mizuage. It may interest you to know, Sayuri-san, that
you are precisely the sort of young girl he likes best. I know this very well, because I was one myself."
As I later learned, a year or two before I'd first come to Gion, Dr. Crab had paid a record amount for
Mameha's mizuage-maybe ¥7000 or ¥8000. This may not sound like much, but at that time it was a sum
that even someone like Mother-whose every thought was about money and how to get more of it-might see only once or twice in a lifetime. Mameha's mizuage had been so costly partly because of her fame;
but there was another reason, as she explained to me that afternoon. Two very wealthy men had bid
against each other to be her mizuage patron.
------------------------ 昨夜,我看见自己的灵魂披了一件寒裳,拂着冰、踏着霜,迎着冷冷的月光,去寻找冰山下的岩浆。
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回复人: |
冷若冰霜110 |
sayuri的初夜 |
回复时间: |
2005.11.03 18:09 |
The Doctor's hands burrowed around for a while, making me very uncomfortable in much the same way
as the young silver-haired doctor had a few weeks earlier. Then he lowered himself until his body was
poised just above mine. I put all the force of my mind to work in making a sort of mental barrier
between the Doctor and me, but it wasn't enough to keep me from feeling the Doctor's "eel," as Mameha
might have called it, bump against the inside of my thigh. The lamp was still lit, and I searched the
shadows on the ceiling for something to distract me, because now I felt the Doctor pushing so hard that
my head shifted on the pillow. I couldn't think what to do with my hands, so I grabbed the pillow with them and squeezed my eyes tighter. Soon there was a great deal of activity going on above me, and I
could feel all sorts of movement inside me as well. There must have been a very great deal of blood,
because the air had an unpleasant metallic smell. I kept reminding myself how much the Doctor had paid
for this privilege; and I remember hoping at one point that he was enjoying himself more than I was. I
felt no more pleasure there than if someone had rubbed a file over and over against the inside of my
thigh until I bled.
Finally the homeless eel marked its territory, I suppose, and the Doctor lay heavily upon me, moist with
sweat. I didn't at all like being so close to him, so I pretended to have trouble breathing in the hopes he
would take his weight off me. For a long while he didn't move, but then all at once he got to his knees
and was very businesslike again. I didn't watch him, but from the corner of my eye I couldn't help seeing
that he wiped himself off using one of the towels beneath me. He tied the sash of his robe, and then put
on his glasses, not noticing a little smear of blood at the edge of one lens, and began to wipe between my
legs using towels and cotton swabs and the like, just as though we were back in one of the treatment
rooms at the hospital. The worst of my discomfort had passed by this time, and I have to admit I was
almost fascinated lying there, even with my legs spread apart so revealingly, as I watched him open the
wooden case and take out the scissors. He cut away a piece of the bloody towel beneath me and stuffed
it, along with a cotton ball he'd used, into the glass vial with my misspelled name on it. Then he gave a
formal bow and said, "Thank you very much." I couldn't very well bow back while lying down, but it
made no difference, because the Doctor stood at once and went off to the bath again.
回复人: |
冷若冰霜110 |
晕,居然还要被医生检查身体 |
回复时间: |
2005.11.03 18:19 |
The doctor knelt at my feet and, after apologizing, peeled open my underrobe to expose my legs.
Mameha had told me a little about mizuage, but it seemed to me I was about to learn more. Had the
bidding ended, and this young doctor emerged the winner? What about Dr. Crab and Nobu? It even
crossed my mind that Mother might be intentionally sabotaging Mameha's plans. The young doctor
adjusted my legs and reached between them with his hand, which I had noticed was smooth and graceful
like the Chairman's. I felt so humiliated and exposed that I had to cover my face. I wanted to draw my
legs together, but I was afraid anything that made his task more difficult would only prolong the
encounter. So I lay with my eyes pinched shut, holding my breath. I felt as little Taku must have felt the
time he choked on a needle, and Auntie held his jaws open while Mother put her fingers down his throat.
At one point I think the doctor had both of his hands between my legs; but at last he took them away,
and folded my robe shut. When I opened my eyes, I saw him wiping his hands on a cloth.
"The girl is intact," he said.
"Well, that's fine news!" Mother replied. "And will there be much blood?"
"There shouldn't be any blood at all. I only examined her visually."
"No, I mean during mizuage."
"I couldn't say. The usual amount, I should expect."
回复人: |
霹雳晴天猪 |
Re:《艺伎回忆录》第19章,看的我眼泪花花[转载] |
回复时间: |
2005.11.03 18:20 |
回复人: |
冷若冰霜110 |
艺伎其实是一种没有灵魂的漂亮娃娃, sayuri的初夜是被Dr.Crab花了11500日元买的,这和妓女有区别吗 |
回复时间: |
2005.11.03 18:21 |
In the end, Dr. Crab agreed to pay ¥11,500 for my mizuage. Up to that time, this was the highest ever
paid for a mizuage in Gion, and possibly in any of the geisha districts in Japan. Keep in mind that in
those days, one hour of a geisha's time cost about ¥4, and an extravagant kimono might have sold for
¥1500. So it may not sound like a lot, but it's much more than, say, a laborer might have earned in a year.
回复人: |
冷若冰霜110 |
Re:《艺伎回忆录》第19章,看的我眼泪花花 |
回复时间: |
2005.11.03 18:23 |
回复人: |
冷若冰霜110 |
谁有本事把上边的内容翻译出来 |
回复时间: |
2005.11.03 18:25 |
回复人: |
午月禾 |
Re:《艺伎回忆录》第19章,看的我眼泪花花 |
回复时间: |
2005.11.03 18:31 |
------------------------ ┃ //// ┃通缉犯:姓名:午月禾
┃ (-●●-)┃年龄:23
┃ / ┃性别:男 特征:太帅
┃ ︶/ ┃太酷,太温柔,太有型。
回复人: |
天使vs魔鬼 |
Re:《艺伎回忆录》第19章,看的我眼泪花花 |
回复时间: |
2005.11.04 01:45 |
回复人: |
free_me |
Re:《艺伎回忆录》第19章,看的我眼泪花花 |
回复时间: |
2005.11.04 08:00 |
回复人: |
胡杨林2001 |
Re:《艺伎回忆录》第19章,看的我眼泪花花 |
回复时间: |
2005.11.04 17:38 |
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