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作者: victoria 收藏:0 回复:1 点击:4235 发表时间: 2013.06.24 19:09:30


   An unforecasted storm with hail stone attacked on the city this afternoon. Sky was gloomy. Strong wind swept the falling leaves. No doubts that we got a very cool night in the summer.
   And now, my baby boy was getting his wonderful dreams. But I am sleepless. On honest, It is very rare for me to lose sleep. Lying
  in the bed, sounds of rain drops hover at the ears, songs of winds linger in the heart. How busy we usually to be! complait, boring,
  frustration wrap us so that no body has spare time to listen the music from nature world. Remember the same experience was the
  night slept in a hotel near the sea. It was so wonderful. I even got up at 3 clock in the night and sat at gallery. Held deep breath and
  tasted salted air. Listen to the sea wave lashed. This may be the most fantastic moment for sleepless.
   Also one of my students contacted with me that she got married and her daughter is one years old. In my Memery, she was just a
  little girl. 9 years later, she is a mother. Bless everybody have a nice life.

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回复人: hover Re:静夜思 回复时间: 2013.07.03 10:50

    从文章里 我觉得你安静多了……

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