□ 山颠百合
2004-08-08 21:14
1 begin with ABC 从简单开始
That question is too difficult. Let’s begin with ABC
2 as easy as ABC 相当简单
If you are interested in English, it is as easy as ABC
3 from A to Z 从头至尾
She knew the person from A to Z
4 from A to B 从一地到另一地
She is always moving from A to B
5 not know a B from a battledore 目不识丁
The man pretended to be reading something, and I know he didn’t know a B from a battledore.
6 fit / suits her to a T 正合适
The dress suits her to a T
7 dot one’s i’s and cross one’s t’s 对细节一丝不苟
Mother told me to dot my i’t and cross my t’s in my work
8 mind one’s p’s and q’s 小心谨慎
To be successful in life, you have first to mind your p’s and q’s
9 catch/ grab some Z’s 打磕睡
If you are tired, grab some Z’s
10 make a V with two fingers 胜利的手势
Chinese team won. We all made a V with two fingers